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 2021-06-11 16:30:11      阅读量:2343



friend,just be a little paitent , your item is in transit.if you still not receive the goods within 20 days . i need refund you full money or send u new one ,thanks for your understanding.


hi,friend, this is XXX .because the XXX channel is busy . in order to send you soon , we need change it to XXX channel ,It is easy to send you fast .

friend , piease understand, so i can help you track your goods carefully .and give quick talk to you. Also you can get better service from me, like lowest price,quicker shipping speed, better after sales support.My skype:XXX .whatsapp : +86 XXXXXXXX.

good day.




friend , thanks for your order, and you know nowadays in china is our XXX hoilday , so we need send you the goods after the hoilday end up ,never worry that , after we go to work at the date XXXX, we will send you the goods and give you the tracking number fast . Any problem , just

feel free to talk with me . My skype :XXXX .whatsapp : +86 XXXXX.

good day.



i will send you the goods this week , because we just come back to work today from china XXXX hoilday , hope you can understand ,thanks a lot.



you can understand ,friend ,we try to send you the goods fast . you know we just end up our XXX hoilday , so we have so many orders to ben dealed with , just be a little patient . we need test each goods carefully before shipment . also need send the goods according to the orders of time sequence,hope you can understand.


Hi,friend , donot worry that ,just because we have 2 days off , so the post office also have day off , we need send you the goods next week ,hope you can be a little paitent , thanks a lot.


hi, friend, we are sorry for the problem of the product.just we checked it for you,the worker in our warehouse they made a mistake.they choose the wrong one for you.

hope you give us a chance.we offer you 2 solution.

(1) you can keep XXX,

we will give you XXX dollars refund and XXXX dollars discount for your next order.

hope you can cancel the dispute and give us all 5 star feedback for this order.

(2) if you can't accept it,please help to return it to us.

when we receice it,we will give you the full refund.which solution do you choose?waiting for your reply.


hi,friend, i see you give me 1 star & bad feedback . friend , if ok , just send me a picture to see it , i need let my engineer to help you fix the problem , also hope you can help me revised the bad feedback ,give me 5 star & good feedback , wait your reply , thanks , next time when you buy, i will apply the VIP price from my company for you.

this is the link tell u how to revise the bad feedback :http://help.aliexpress.com/revising_feedback.html



Thank you for shopping on our store . Checked on tracking website that you have received your order.we hope you are enjoying your purchase!

Your shopping experience is very important to us and our business. We would like to invite you to leave positive feedback on our products and service. It only takes a moment, and it’s a great way to help others make purchases like yours!

If you are unsatisfied with any aspect of ourservice, please contact us first so we can try to resolve your problem.

Thank you for your custom, and we look forward to providing you the best buying experience again on AliExpress.


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